I’m a bit sorry for the lack of posts. I’ll try and explain.
I’ve been a blog follower for years. I followed who is doing what and where they were this week and where they were going next.
Now I’m losing track, but not getting lost.
I spend less and less time wondering what others are doing. They had been the tie to my dream. If I could watch them, feel what they were feeling, it was possible my dream may come true. They were the magic carpet in a children's story.
There comes a time, if you’re lucky, where life fills you up. All the way. I noticed this months ago.
I’m sitting now on that magic carpet, and I’ve found that dreams can come true. At first I wanted to share that joy with everyone I know. But as life simplified and focused, a cup of coffee on deck, a sunny morning of a perfect anchorage, stretching to a second pot. Nothing else mattered.
When full, you have neither the need nor desire to share that with anyone other then the person you’re with.
Blogs are forgotten as life fulfills all the need to rejoice. You live the experience in the moment, and that becomes enough. There isn’t a need to hold up my life and proclaim “Look what I’ve done!”
Doing it is now enough. Living for a reason is now enough.
Given a warm summer night I’ll be happy to swap tales of hard weather and unforgettable sunsets. In winter, if you can find us, a warm tea will help the dark hours pass. I’ll share what I know with you.
For now we travel, love, and explore.
We enjoyed Sydney. A busy place, amazing food, friendly folks.
The Canadians are very proud of their heritage. They have a right to be.
Headed north we slipped into Otter bay for the fourth of July. Another world.
We find this often, each place we go has it’s own charm. Everything here is island. Boat or plane defines their world and to view it for a few days only adds to the respect felt for these people.
Across Swanson channel into Captain passage, rough seas tested us. We had to smile at how easy Odyssey took the waves. For her, this was nothing. The captain and crew were the ones needing experience. We set the head sail for practice. I’m sure she was beautiful from a distance.
The further north we go the broader the strokes of life styles. Ganges is a mix of hippies and artists and entrepreneurs. Laid back and lovely their Saturday market puts any big city’s to shame.
Today we shopped for fresh produce, duck eggs, art supplies and tacos. We created, painted, fixed, changed filters, and filled water tanks.
What did you do today?
Monday we head out.
Where? I don’t know yet. So many places call to us. Some just a mile away, some hundreds.
We have no schedule so all are possible.
If you don't hear from us for awhile, please don’t worry.
Our cup is full. To live this life is enough. We will share when we can.
As a Post Script.
Come to sail. We have found more wind then could be hoped for.
Those who say otherwise have never crossed these waters with mast and cloth.