Our maintenance checklist is dwindling quickly and our supplies-to-purchase list shrinks every day. We’ve done well, and now have the luxury of fine-tuning things, something new this year.
As the departure date nears for our exploration north, there is a calm settling in, where we take a deep breath from the rush of activity. At the same time, the happy excitement builds each day. We are ready to go.
In a few days we travel to Oregon (not on Odyssey). It’s the respite, the visiting of friends and family, a bit of business, a time to reconnect to the place we still call home. All this happens during the two week trip. If all goes well we’ll head back to Canada and our beloved sailboat, and from there we disappear to the North.
This morning, I had a distinct deja vu feeling about this moment in time, really of the whole experience, and I realized why. I had often seen it before.
We are living the script of an adventure movie.
Stay with me here, you’ll see it too. This is how it goes.
There is a person or group, faced with an epic event; traveling to war, the dark jungle, into space, a different universe, across an ocean. Sometimes leisurely, sometimes in a monumental rush, they prepare as best they can. Then, just months/days/hours before leaving for the unknown, there comes the calm reflection and introspection. Loose ends are tied, last business finished, and visits to friends and family are a given.
Then, boots are laced, space helmets are secured, and fuel tanks filled. Time to go.
These next few weeks are our calm time, and we both are looking forward to the visit home. When we return, there will be the final provisioning, system checks, and inspection of sails.
Yes, it’s time for us to go.
I only wish I had a space helmet!