And yet, after just three days, we decided to untie the dock lines and anchor out in the bay. This wasn’t about traveling, nor looking for a better place, we both just felt the need for a little privacy.
It sounds ridiculous, but compared to the Broughtons, Otter Bay is a busy place.
Out we went, less then half a mile, and dropped the anchor. There we spent a wonderful two days.
What did we do? Sarah painted, and in an amazing way, as she always does. Me? When all is well, the stars alined, and the world calms down enough, sometimes I just sit and contemplate the universe.
It had been awhile and I enjoyed it very much.
Happy, grinning and satiated, we headed back to the dock as the sun set. All was well with our world.
Ours is a relatively quiet and creative life based on the philosophy of ‘Do no harm’. For us this is enough.
That, and loving each other.